Tents are generally used to enclose outdoor events and protect guests from inclement weather. What some people don’t know is that they can also be used to aid with construction projects.
Construction tent rentals in the Bay Area provide cover for different projects, such as building remodeling or construction, to shield the worksite and crew from various weather conditions.
Contact us to help you choose a construction tenting solution that will increase productivity by protecting your worksite from the elements.
Shaping the new normal, together.
As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, we keep our eyes set on the future. At Stuart, we are focusing our efforts on innovation and developing solutions as the event industry heads into the new normal. Our skilled group of industry veterans, design team, and event specialists continue to create solutions to provide breathtaking events, meetings, and experiences while incorporating the new standards for safety and security.
We are proud of our work with healthcare and government officials during the pandemic and are leveraging those experiences to provide further insight into the needs of our clients moving forward. Stuart is committed to continually delivering exceptional event resources and services while maintaining the utmost regard for the safety of our team and patrons. Together we can shape the new normal.

Frame Tents
The frame tent has no interior poles, but instead a framework of horizontal poles below the ceiling that are often concealed by draping material from the ceiling to the walls. Frame tents are ideal for tight spots because they need little or no clearance around their sides.

Tension / High Peak Tents
High-peak tents have a curved ceiling that slopes to a point at the top. Cross cables at the eave of the tent support a center pole that extends to the peak to allow for an unobstructed space underneath the tent.

Tension / Genesis Tents
This tension tent is erected by placing one or more center poles under the top, creating a swooping effect. This tent has higher centerpoles, creating a more “open” feeling inside. Larger clearances around the sides of the tent are required as these tents need to be staked to the ground.
Tents have been used to enclose outdoor events and protect guests from inclement weather. What some people don’t know is that they can also be used to aid construction projects.Construction tent rentalsin the Bay Area provide cover for different projects, such as building remodeling or construction, to shield the worksite and crew from various weather conditions.
Tenting 101
Tents offer the freedom of having your event, however, wherever, and whenever you’d like.
When people think about tent rentals, they usually associate them with protection from the elements: rain, cold, heat, and sun. But tents can offer the freedom you don’t have when you choose an event facility. A tent gives you the option to house as many guests as you choose, and to decorate as you choose, without having to work around a room’s size, shape, features, and colors. With clear or windowed walls, you can even showcase the surrounding environment, while maintaining a comfortable climate for your guests.